Constitution Day 2019

A teacher speaks to students about the Constitution
A student looks down at her desk with a paper about the Constitution on it.
Students post in a frame holding the preamble to the Constitution
Students post in a frame holding the preamble to the Constitution
Students post in a frame holding the preamble to the Constitution

Pelham students across the District honored Constitution Day on Tuesday, September 17 in a variety of ways. As an example, seventh graders discussed the essential question of “How does a particular freedom make people’s lives better?” After reflection, the students began researching a freedom using news articles in preparation for participation in the American Freedom Essay Contest in which they will extract key details from their news article and development an argument explaining how their topic improves and impacts lives. 

As another example sixth graders in Dexter Jackson’s class discussed the importance of the Constitution and connected it with their upcoming study of civilizations where citizens didn’t have rights or protection against government. Students also viewed a video on the Constitution and participated in a Kahoot! Quiz to test their knowledge of the document.